§35 Julius Secundus

Julius Secundus

(0035) Text: Imp(eratori) Nervae Traiano Caesari | Aug(usto) Germanico Dacico, ex testa- | mento M(arci) Iuli Secundi p(rimi) p(ili), Iulia | C(aii) f(ilia) Grata uxor et heres. || Αὐτοκράτορι Νέρουᾳ Τραιανῷ | Καίσαρι Σεβαστῷ Γερμανικῷ | Δακικῷ ἐκ διαθήκης Μάρκου | Ἰουλίου Σεκούνδου π(ριμι)π(ιλαρίου) | Ἰουλία Γαίου θυγάτηρ Γράτα | γαμετὴ αὐτοῦ καὶ κληρονόμος.

Translation: Built for Emperor Nerva Trajan Caesar Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, by the testamentary engraving of Marcus Julius Secundus, former first centurion. Julia Grata, daughter of Gaius, his wife and heir. [Functionally identical Greek and Latin texts] (Trans. Christopher B. Zeichmann)

Commentary: Julius Secundus does not name which unit he served in, but it was likely in legio VI Ferrata, which garrisoned in Arabia after the annexation of the Decapolis to the new province of Arabia in 106 CE. There is, to my knowledge, no evidence for the title of chief centurion in auxilia.

Provenience: Gadara, Arabia (Umm Qais, Jordan) 106-115 CE

Bibliography: SEG 40.1462; SEG 52.1623; AE 2002.1546a-b; David L. Kennedy, The Roman Army in Jordan, 1st ed. (London: Council for British Research in the Levant, 2000), 105-106; Thomas Maria Weber, Gadara – Umm Qēs I: Gadara Decapitolina. Untersuchungen zur Topographie, Geschichte, Architekture und der Bildenen Kunst einer „Polis Hellenis“ im Ostjordanland, ADPV 30 (Weisbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002), IS no. 10.