This is the companion webpage to my book Queer Readings of the Centurion at Capernaum: Their History and Politics. Included here are many texts too long to include in Appendix 2 of the book, as well as original language versions of non-English texts.
Christianopoulos, Dinos. Εποχή των ισχνών αγελάδων [Season of the Lean Cows]. Thessaloniki: Kochlias, 1950.
Gyburc-Hall, Larion. “Legende.” Der Kreis 31.4 (1963): 14–22.
Responses to “Legende” in next issue of Der Kreis.
Mayer, Michel. “Le procurateur de Judée: Suite à la manière d’Anatole France.” Arcadie 134 (1965): 63–71.
Eck, Marcel. Sodome: Essai sur l’homosexualité. Paris: Fayard, 1966. [page 266]
Van de Spijker, A. M. J. M. Herman. Die gleichgeschlechtliche Zuneigung; Homotropie: Homosexualität, Homoerotik, Homophilie, und die katholische Moraltheologie. Olten: Walter, 1968. [pages 93-94]
Martignac, J. “Le centurion de Capernaüm.” Arcadie 255 (1975): 117–28.
Rossman, Parker. Sexual Experience between Men and Boys: Exploring the
Pederast Underground. New York: Association, 1976. [page 99, with endnotes]
Horner, Tom M. “The Centurion’s Servant.” Insight 2.3 (1978): 9.
Botero, Ebel. Homofilia y homofobia: Estudio sobre la homosexualidad, la bisexualidad y la represión de la conducta homosexual. Medellín: Lealón, 1980. [pages 165-166]
Hocquenghem, Guy. Le gay voyage: Guide et regard homosexuels sur les grandes métropoles. Paris: Michel, 1980. [page 48]
Theissen, Gerd. 1986. Der Schatten des Galiläers: Historische Jesusforschung in erzählender Form. Munich: Kaiser. [page 150]
Mader, Donald. “The Entimos Pais of Matthew 8:5–13 and Luke 7:1–10.” Paidika 1.1 (1987): 27–39. [includes page numbers for both the original and reprinted editions]
McNeill, John J. “Positive Messages from the Bible.” Advent: Lutherans Concerned/San Francisco 11.4 (1989): 10–11.
Lawrence, Raymond J., Jr. The Poisoning of Eros: Sexual Values in Conflict. New York: Augustine Moore, 1989. [pages 69-71]
See also the Bible Odyssey entry I wrote related to this topic.