Titus Flavius Marcianus
(0198) Text: T(itus) Flavius M(arcus) f(ilius) | Col(lina) Marcianus | domo Philad(elphia) op(tio) | hast(ati) leg(ionis) VI Ferr(atae) SI, Lu- | culla mat(er) et Fl(avia) | Ialla soror her(edes) eius.
Translation: Titus Flavius Marcianus son of Marcus, of the tribe Collina, originating from Philadelphia, optio hastatus of legio VI Ferrata. Flavia Luculla his mother and Flavia Ialla his sister, his heirs erected this.
Commentary: The Philadelphia mentioned here is that of the Decapolis. Legio VI Ferrata garrisoned in Caparcotna/Legio in Judaea/Syria Palaestina, where he may have spent some time.
Provenience: Bostra, Arabia (Bosra, Syria) 106-138 CE
Bibliography: IGLS 13.9179; AE 1909.132; Princeton Exp.Inscr.IIIA 541; AE 1974.659; Michael P. Speidel, “The Roman Army in Arabia,” ANRW II.8: 698; David L. Kennedy, The Roman Army in Jordan, 1st ed. (London: Council for British Research in the Levant, 2000), 114*.