Cohors I Augusta Canathenorum et Trachonitarum equitata
(0197) Text: […] mil(ites) et equ[i]tes | coh(ortis) I Aug(ustae) | Canathen(orum) | e(t) T(r)acho(n)it(arum) | fece[runt].
Translation: […] footsoldiers and cavalry of cohors I Augusta Canathenorum et Trachnonitarum made this. (Trans. Christopher B. Zeichmann)
Commentary: This unit is later attested in Pannonia (ILS 2.4349=CIL 3.3668; c. 200-205 CE) as cohors quingenaria Canathenorum et Trachonitarum. Canatha was part of the Decapolis and Trachonitus (formerly) a region in Batanaea.
Provenience: Motha, Arabia (Imtan, Syria) 106-132 CE
Bibliography: CIL 3.14379; Michael P. Speidel, “The Roman Army in Arabia,” ANRW II.8: 709; John Spaul, Cohors2: The Evidence for and a Short History of the Auxiliary Infantry Units of the Imperial Roman Army, BARIS 841 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2000), 427; David L. Kennedy, The Roman Army in Jordan, 1st ed. (London: Council for British Research in the Levant, 2000), 207; Ovidiu Țentea, Ex Oriente ad Danubium: The Syrian Units on the Danube Frontier of the Roman Empire, National History Museum of Romania: The Centre for Roman Military Studies 6, 2nd ed. (Bucharest: Mega, 2012), 39-40; Barnabás Lőrincz, Die römischen Hilfstruppen in Pannonien während der Prinzipatszeit. Teil I: Die Inscrhiften, Wiener Archäologische Studien 3 (Vienna: Forschungsgesellschaft Wiener Stadtarchäologie, 2001), 33; Christopher B. Zeichmann, “Herodian Kings and Their Soldiers in the Acts of the Apostles: A Response to Craig Keener,” Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 11 (2015): 178-190; Annie Sartre-Fauriat, “Mothana-Imtan: Un Village de Garnison en Arabie” Syria 93 (2016): 69-70.