Gaius Cornelius Minicianus
(0191) Text: C(aio) Cornelio | C(ai) f(ilio) Vot(uria) | Miniciano | praef(ecto) coh(ortis) prim(ae) | Damasc(enorum), trib(uno) mil(itum) | legionis III August(ae), | praef(ecto) fabr(um), curatori | rei p(ublicae) Otesinorum, | IIIIviro i(ure) d(icundo), pontifici, | flamini divi Claudii | Bergomi, patrono, | flamini divi Traiani Mediolani. | plebs urban(a).
Translation: Gaius Cornelius Minicianus son of Gaius of the tribe Vorturia. Prefect of cohors I Damascenorum, military tribune of legio III Augusta, prefect of engineers, guardian of the public at Otesia, four-time administrator of justice, priest, priest of the deified Claudii at Bergamo, patron, priest of the deified Trajan at Mediolanum. Built by the people of the city. (Trans. Christopher B. Zeichmann)
Commentary: Gaius was prefect of cohors I Damascenorum, which originated in the Decapolis. cohors I Damascenorum was given the title “Flavia” and evidence locates in Germania Superior in the late first and early second centuries (e.g., §285, §292). legio III Augusta, by contrast, largely spent its time in African provinces, but Gaius retired before it established a base in Lambasesis in the province of Africa.
Provenience: Bergamo, Italia 118-130 CE
Bibliography: CIL 5.5126; ILS 1.2722