Auxiliary Camp
(0019) Text: Imp(erator) Cae[s(ar)] | [Vespasianus Augustus] | Imp(erator) T(itus) [Caesar Vesp(asiani) Aug(usti) fil(ius)] | Sex(to) Lu[cilio Basso leg(ato) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore)] | coh(orti) […] | [fecerunt]
Translation: Imperator Caesar Vespasianus Augustus and Imperator Titus Caesar son of Vespasianus Augustus have erected this building under Sextus Lucilius Bassus, governor with praetorian rank, for cohors […]
Commentary: An unknown auxiliary cohort erected this inscription shortly after the capture of Jerusalem. Kiryat Ye’arim was a satellite village 0f Jerusalem.
Provenience: Kiryat Ye’arim, Judaea (Abu Ghosh) 71-72 CE
Bibliography: AE 1999.1689; CIIP 1.712*; Moshe Fischer, Benjamin Isaac and Israel Roll, Roman Roads in Judaea II: The Jaffa-Jerusalem Roads, BARIS 628 (Oxford: Tempvs Reparatvm, 1996), 119; Werner Eck, “Ein Spiegel der Macht: Lateinische Inschriften römischer Zeit in Iudaea/Syria Palaestina,” Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 117 (2001): 54-55.