Philo of Alexandria
Philo, while also a contemporary with the events he narrates, is not an historian and only addresses the military when relevant. Nevertheless, his depiction of the military is also attributable to his personal investments in the events he describes.[1] So, for example, Philo’s depiction of the episode of the shields, his interest in flattering Tiberius at the expense of Pilate should be considered in tandem with his sycophancy toward Tiberius elsewhere and not simply taken as an independent witness to Pilate’s tomfoolery.
[1] Pace Smallwood, E. Mary. 1987. “Philo and Josephus as Historians of the Same Events.” Pages 114-129 in Josephus, Judaism and Christianity. Edited by Louis H. Feldman and Gohei Hata. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.