Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus
(0384) Text: Senatus populusq(ue) Romanus | Imp(eratori) Tito Caesari divi Vespasiani f(ilio) Vespasian[o] Augusto | pontif(ici) max(imo) trib(unicia) pot(estate) X imp(eratori) XVII [c]o(n)s(uli) VIII p(atri) p(atriae) principi suo | quod praeceptis patriae consiliisq(ue) et auspiciis gentem | Iudaeorum domuit et urbem Hierusolymam omnibus ante | se ducibus regibus gentibus aut frustra petitam aut | omnino intemptatam delevit
Translation: The Senate and the people of Rome set this up for Imperator Titus Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, son of the divine Vespasian, pontifex maximus, with tribunician power for the tenth time, imperator for the seventeenth time, in his eighth consulship, father of the fatherland, to their own Leader because, by the orders and advice of his father he subdued the Jewish people and destroyed the city of Jerusalem, a thing either sought in vain by all generals, kings and peoples before him or untried entirely. (Trans. Judaism and Rome)
Provenience: Now Lost (originally Rome, Italia) 81 CE
Commentary: An arch dedicated by the emperor Domitian in memory of his brother Titus. The inscription was destroyed in the 15th century, but a monk known as “Einsiedeln Anonymous” preserved the full inscription in a manuscript.
Bibliography: CIL 6.944; ILS 264; Judaism and Rome entry.