Jesus Son of Papius
(0172) Text: δεκανὸς | Ἰησοῦς Παπίου, | Πεσοῦρις Ἰάσωνος, | Δωσαρίων Ἰησοῦτ(ος), | Σοβτᾶις Αὐλαίου, | Θήδεσις γέδρις, Σαμβαθαῖ(ο)ς Σίμωνος.
Translation: The decurion Jesus son of Papius, Pesouris son of Jason, Dosarion son of Jesus, Sobtais son of Aulaios, Thedesis a weaver, Sambathaios son of Simon.
Commentary: δεκανὸς may also denote either a decurion or a policeman. It is not certain which is meant here. This collection includes Jesus son of Papius’ (also known as Sambathion) tax receipts (comprising §173, §174, §175, §176, §177, §178, §179).
Provenience: Apollinopolis Magna, Egypt (Edfu, Egypt) 71-121 CE
Bibliography: SB 5812; CPJ 2.405*