Cnaeus Pompeius Homullus
(0166) Text: Cn(eio) Pompeio Sex(ti) f(ilio) | Quir(ina) Homullo | Aelio Gracili Cassiano Logino | p(rimo) p(ilo) bis leg(ionis) II Aug(ustae) et leg(ionis) X Fretens(is), | trib(uno) coh(ortis) III vig(ilum), trib(uno) coh(ortis) X urb(anae), | trib(uno) coh(ortis) V pr(aetoriae) donis donato ab | imp(eratore) torq(uibus), phal(eris), armill(is), cor(ona) aur(ea), | hast(a) pur(a) proc(uratori) Aug(usti) provinciae | B[ritt]aniae, proc(uratori) | Aug(usti) provinc(iarum) | duarum Lugud(unensis) et Aquit(aniae), proc(uratori) | Aug(usti) a rationibus, heredes.
Translation: Cnaeus Pompeius Homullus Aelius Gracilis Cassianus Longinus son of Sextus of the tribe Quirina, chief centurion of legio II Augusta and legio X Fretensis, tribune of the third cohort of watchmen, tribune of tenth urban cohort, tribune of the fifth praetorian cohort, given honours by the imperator of the necklace, ornaments, bracelets, the gold crown, and the headless spear. Augustan procurator of the province of Brittania, Augustan procurator of the province of both Lugdunensis and Aquitania, Augustan procurator a rationibus, erected by his heirs. (Trans. Christopher B. Zeichmann)
Commentary: As a centurion in legio X Fretensis, he served in Judaea, likely under Domitian in the 90s CE, following a few promotions and honours.
Provenience: Rome, Italia 100-150 CE
Bibliography: CIL 6.1626; ILS 1.1385; Edward Dąbrowa, Legio X Fretensis: A Prosopographical Study of Its Officers (I – III c. A.D.), Historia Einzelschriften 66 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 1993), 93-94.