Other Sites of Interest

DMIPERP would not exist were it not for the amazing work of many wonderful websites. Here are a selection of sites that may be useful to those perusing DMIPERP.


Online Corpus of Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia – OCIANA collects inscriptions of many obscure languages. Most relevant for the study of early Roman Palestine is Safaitic, a language used by nomadic tribes in the Syrian desert, occasionally noting military goings-on in the region.

papyri.info – papryi.info is the premier website for searching Greek and Latin papyri of the Graeco-Roman period. DMIPERP also makes use of its immensely helpful list of scholarly abbreviations of papyri and ostraca. See also its sister site of litpap.info, which collects literary papyri.

Judaea at Wildwinds – Wildwinds collects high quality photographs of coins from the Graeco-Roman period and their entry on Judaea is very useful.

Roman Military Museum – A Wonderful collection of photographs and information about the Roman military.

Corpus Inscription Latinarum at Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften – CIL remains the premier corpus of Latin inscriptions, though it is progressively out of date.

Greek Inscriptions at Packard Humanities Institute – The premier searchable database of ancient Greek inscriptions.

Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby – A very useful database for searching ancient inscriptions. It would be advisable to personally verify the precise spelling of any inscriptions found on this site.

Open Access Biblical Studies Online – A blog collecting various lectures, websites, and so on related to biblical studies online.